Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry can be a precise and effective way to perform many dental procedures.

  • Crown Lengthening: Dental lasers can reshape gum tissue (soft tissue laser) and bone (hard tissue laser) to expose healthier tooth structure. Reshaping provides a stronger foundation for the placement of restorations.
  • Gummy Smile: Dental lasers can reshape gum tissue to expose healthy tooth structure and improve the appearance of a gummy smile.
  • Soft Tissue Folds (Epulis): Dental lasers may be used for the painless and suture-free removal of soft tissue folds often caused by ill-fitting dentures.

Other Laser Dentistry Applications

  • Benign Tumors: Dental lasers may be used for the painless and suture-free removal of benign tumors from the gums, palate, sides of cheeks and lips.
  • Cold Sores: Low intensity dental lasers reduce pain associated with cold sores and minimize healing time.
  • Teeth Whitening: Low intensity soft tissue dental lasers may be used to speed up the bleaching process associated with teeth whitening.


Dr. Agnes Cybulski - Dentist Brantford, ON